New course development

Apple Dictionary

New course development process

  • Log in to CourseLeaf through the Faculty Tab in MyPCC. Under Tools on the right-hand side, click Course Management and select Propose New Course.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the proposal.
  • Save and Submit to workflow in Courseleaf for review and recommendation by the SAC Chair and Program Dean.
  • Once the Program Dean has reviewed and recommended the item, it will be placed on the next available Curriculum Committee meeting. A faculty member must be at the meeting to represent the course.
  • The Curriculum Committee may recommend the course for approval as proposed, amend the proposal, and recommend or postpone for further review.
  • Once recommended by the Committee, the course must be recommended by the Pathway Dean and Executive Dean for Teaching & Learning Support, approved by the VP of Academic Affairs, and then approved by the state.
  • Implementation
    • The SAC will be notified when the course has completed the entire process. At that point, the SAC may schedule and advertise the course. The review and approval process for new courses is approximately four months, if no delays are encountered – see the implementation timeline.

Video tutorial

How to propose a new course using Courseleaf