This content was published: March 9, 2016. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Rigler SUN: Rigler SUN School Extended day Assistant

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Rigler SUN needs volunteers for our SUN school extended day.

SUN school provides students at Rigler an afterschool experience of education and recreation through homework help, supper, recess, and an enrichment class.

SUN school is ran Monday through Thursday from 2:15 – 5pm. Join us and help create a positive space for growth!

La escuela de SUN necesita voluntarios. La escuela de SUN les da a los estudiantes de rigler una oportunidad para educacion y de recracion dentro de actividades como ayuda con tareas, meriendas, recreos y clases de recreacion para creecer y mejorar.

El programa de la escuela de SUN se da acabo de lunes a jueves dentro de las 2:15 y las 5 de la tarde. Unase a nosotros para crear un espacio positivo que promueva el crecimeinto de estos estudiantes.

Contact Information

Anabel Morelos, Volunteer Coordinator | 503-412-9932

About the Organization

Within the SUN Service System, SUN Community Schools are the school-based delivery sites for a comprehensive set of services including educational, enrichment, recreational, social and health services.

A SUN Community School is not a program, but rather a place and support hub where schools and communities work together to support the success of children and families and provided a comprehensive array of service. They serve as the vehicle to link community institutions, such as libraries, parks, community centers, neighborhood health clinics and area churches and businesses.