This content was published: October 13, 2014. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

Columbia Slough Watershed Council: Videography? Event planning? Restoration work? Something for everyone this Fall!

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Looking for a way to connect to a great NE Portland non-profit organization? The Columbia Slough Watershed Council works to connect the community to the watershed through restoration, recreation and restoration in N and NE Portland. This Fall, we’re hosting a number of unique volunteer and internship opportunities. Check them out and lend a hand!

Have experience filming or editing videos? Assist us in November as our Videographer Volunteer! Interested in event promotion and non-profit management? Join us as a Development Intern and help make our annual fundraiser, the Slough Celebration, a big success! Help out as an office volunteer and help us run more smoothly or join us for Stewardship Saturdays – our outdoor, done-in-a-day work parties.

For more information

Visit our volunteer page today to get full position descriptions and application instructions.


Hanna Davis, Volunteer Coordinator
(503) 281-1132