Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Local History and the Art of Historical Detection

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Let's explore Portland and Oregon's history through stories, maps and pictures. You will use the tools of historians to investigate several topics about this city and how they shaped the current day. Topics may include Oregon's founding laws, the woman suffrage movement, Portland's Albina neighborhood and Vanport.

In this 3-hour hands-on workshop, we will use the tools of historians to investigate several stories from Oregon and Portland history. Using primary source documents-- photos, maps, political cartoons, and newspaper articles-- we will work collaboratively to piece together historical narratives related to Oregon's diverse populations. Topics may include Oregon's founding laws, the woman suffrage movement, Portland's Albina neighborhood and Vanport. Participants will learn about the "art of historical detection" and apply the skills of observation, inference and analysis to documents shared in the class.

List of classes for 9WV620L Local History and the Art of Historical Detection
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableMore infoSign up
24857In-personSylvania TCB 212
from 9 to 11:50am
May 4, 2024
Instructor: Sarah Anderson
Tuition: $39 Fees: $0

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