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Class information

RUS261B Russian Culture

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  • CRN: 25188
  • Credits: 2
  • Notes: Course conducted in English.
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Remote, Friday, from 12 to 1:50pm
      From April 5 through June 14, 2024, Kristine L Shmakov

Class materials


No textbooks required

Details about this class

Welcome to RUS 261B  Russian Culture through Film: The Turmoil of the 20th and 21st centuries in Russia

Russia has experienced great turmoil in both the 20th and 21st centuries. How did Soviet citizens experience the Stalin’s purges and World War II? How are these events remembered and how have they shaped Russian society and culture today? How has the totalitarian past returned to Putin’s Russia? How are Russian and Ukrainian citizens experiencing Putin’s war on Ukraine and how it is affecting society? In RUS 261B, we will watch two contemporary Russian films, a Georgian film and a documentary film, as well as read a few short selections from 20th century Russian literature to help us answer these questions and pose many more.

Class structure: RUS 260B is a two-credit course that will be taught remotely over Zoom on Friday from 12-1:50pm. This Russian culture class focuses on Soviet and Russian society and culture from 1925 to the present. The course is taught in English, all films are subtitled in English, all readings are in English, and no knowledge of Russian is needed. Only an interest in learning about this fascinating country and culture is required. We welcome all students of all backgrounds to our Russian program and would love to have you as part this Russian culture class, even if you aren’t currently studying the language.

The films we watch and readings we complete will serve as springboards for class and breakout room discussions. You’ll be expected to activity participate during both class and breakout room discussions and to share your ideas as we learn about Russian history, society and culture together. The themes we will discuss include: the Soviet experience of Stalinist purges, repression, and Holodomor; the question of collective guilt and repentance; the gulag prison system; the Soviet experience of World War II; Soviet and Russian politicization of the WWII victory; the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine; Putin’s authoritarian rule in Russia and current repression; Putin’s war in Ukraine and effects on society.

Attendance requirements: This class will meet live over Zoom on Fridays from 12-1:50pm. Attendance at every class session is required and there is no way to make up missed classes. The Zoom classes will not be recorded, so you can feel comfortable sharing your thoughts during class discussion. Webcam usage is required during class, so that we can create a positive and welcoming learning community together.

Time commitment: You’ll spend around 4-5 hours a week on this class: 1 hour and 50 minutes attending class each Friday, plus another 2-2.5 hours completing homework, which will consist of either watching a film at home or completing some reading and also writing a short, informal reflection pieces in which you share your thoughts on the themes being discussed in class. These writings will be submitted only to me and a discussion board will not be used in this course. These reflections can easily be completed in 30 minutes or less. Homework will be due each Friday at 12pm.

Course materials: All films and readings will all be available on D2L at no cost. There will be no textbook for the class, so it has zero textbook costs.

Russian culture and literature courses are taught only once a year in the spring and are on a rotation. This course will not be taught again for another three years, so don’t miss your chance to take it. If you have any questions about this culture course or our Russian language classes, please contact Russian Department Chair Kristine Shmakov at: kshmakov@pcc.edu

See you in class!

Professor Kristine Shmakov


A microphone and webcam are required for this course. Webcam usage in class is required during class, in order to be able to see each other during class and breakout room discussions and to create a positive and welcoming learning community.  

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.