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Class information

PSY201A Intro to Psychology - Part 1

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  • CRN: 25300
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Sylvania SS 101, Monday and Wednesday, from 11am to 12:50pm
      From April 1 through June 12, 2024, Marlene Eid

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

This is PSY 201 Introduction to Psychology .

Students need to have access to a computer and to log in myPCC Desire to Learn (D2L) at least once a day to check email, and to work on assignments for the class. This class is on campus, and meets  on Mondays and Wednesdays at 11:00am-12:50am at the Sylvania campus, throughout the term. Attendance is part of the grade.

 This class does not require tests, or exams, yet it requires the following 3 activities for each of the 9 chapters covered in this course.  Please see the textbook details under technology.

1- Read the chapter, and respond to the corresponding CONNECT assignments.

2- Post discussions, based on the required videos.

3-  Answer homework questions connected to the chapters, or to special articles related to the homework signature assignments.

You need to organize your time to meet the assignments' deadlines. I will grade all the activities, and will give you individual feedback on all the above (1,2,& 3). Sometimes I will give feedback to the whole class, if the topic needs to be explained to the majority of the class members.

Pease let me know of your concerns as early as possible in the term, and meet with me (via google meet which I can set up) if you need to have a plan on how to succeed in the class.

I want you to succeed, enjoy the course, and be curious about the knowledge.



Students in this class will have a choice to purchase the textbook/e-book "Psychology: Perspectives and Connections" , 5th edition, by Feist and Rosenberg, either from McGraw-Hill publishers, or from the PCC bookstore. The two options are explained below.

  • Option 1:
    You can purchase the textbook/e-book directly from the publishers. $75. With this option, you will get access to the E-Book, and will get an access to CONNECT Online Assignments.

If you would like a hard copy (loose leaf) sent to your home address by the publishers (optional), you will pay $25 dollars extra, for a total cost of $100. 

  • Option2:
    You can purchase the textbook at the PCC bookstore for $128.00 , the new textbook will come with an access code for the the e-book and for CONNECT Online Assignments. 

A used textbook will not have the access code needed for the class.

I will include the link to purchase the textbook from the publishers one week before the classes start for the term.

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.