Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Class information

MTH98 Math Literacy II

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  • CRN: 25390
  • Credits: 4
  • Notes: ALEKS 360 required
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Cascade TEB 216, Monday and Wednesday, from 9 to 11:20am
      From April 1 through June 12, 2024, Morgan M Chase

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

You MUST have an ALEKS360 account to do the online homework and quizzes. If you used ALEKS360 in Math 58, you can use your same account. We will also use the same textbook you used in Math 58.

Part of the goal of the Math 58 & 98 sequence is to help you develop a growth mindset. If you believe that some people are "math people" and others aren't, and there's nothing you can do to change it, that is a fixed mindset. With a growth mindset, you are more likely to take on a new challenge because you see it as an opportunity to improve. Instead of saying "I can't do this..." and giving up, you say "I can't do this... yet!" and keep working. Here's a 2-minute YouTube video about growth mindset.

Another big part of Math 58 & 98 is students working together in small groups during our class meetings. You are expected to attend the class meetings regularly and contribute productively to your group's work.

See https://www.pcc.edu/staff/morgan-chase/ for more information about me and how I operate.


We will use ALEKS360 for online homework and quizzes, D2L Brightspace for some online components, and the spreadsheet program Google Sheets (or Microsoft Excel if you prefer). It is okay if you do not have a printer or scanner, but you may need to use a scanning app such as Adobe Scan to submit some handwritten assignments.

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.