Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Class information

FR203 Second Year French Third Term

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  • CRN: 22107
  • Credits: 4
  • Notes: Continues the work of FR 202
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Remote, Tuesday and Thursday, from 1 to 2:50pm
      From April 2 through June 13, 2024, Matthew Reeder

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

French 203 is for students who have completed French 202 or 3 – 4 years of High School French or the equivalent. If you are unsure about your placement, please email me with your background in French. If you are a senior auditor, please email me a request to audit along with the course name and number (CRN) as well as your G# and I will forward it to enrollment services along with my approval (unless you’ve already done so). If you are unsure if FR 203 is the right class for you, please email me about taking a placement test at: matthew.reeder@pcc.edu

Attendance requirements:
FR 203 is a 4 credit course with two remote classes per week Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00pm to 2:50pm via Zoom. You can access the Zoom link under your "My Courses" page on D2L. Each class session includes the teaching of new material and lots of in-class practice with other students. Attendance at these classes is required; however, students can make up to 3 "excused" absences (within a week) by watching the recorded Zoom class via the "cloud recording" link on D2L, recording themselves doing all of the activities and emailing it to me. *Please note: 6 or more "unexcused" absences will result in an automatic non passing grade.

This class is the last class in the second-year French sequence at PCC; there are no more advanced classes beyond this one at PCC. 

Please note: completion of 2 years of a language at the college level is required for a Bachelor of Arts degree and 2 terms will count towards the Gen Ed requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree. Please consult with an advisor from a 4 year university if you have questions about transferability (e.g. PSU, U of O, etc.).


Class structure:
Class will be taught with presentations and slides that have been adapted from the textbook specifically for this course. These slides and presentations are emailed to the class before we begin (usually the day before) so students are able to study and prepare for class. 

In class, I’ll introduce new material and we’ll practice it together as a whole class and in small groups. The course will be taught in full French immersion, so you’ll hear and speak French as much as possible. It's a great way to learn a language! Improving speaking proficiency is a primary goal of this class, and we’ll have fun practicing together while incorporating cultural components, games, and music…all in French! 

Time commitment:
The time commitment for this course includes 4 hours of in person instruction plus another 3-4 hours a week spent on studying and completing homework assignments per week. Please note that this is a homework and attendance-based class and will be graded as such. 

Textbook requirements:
We use the Second-year French textbook and online website Portails 2. This textbook is used for all of Second-year French, so if you are a continuing student there is no need to purchase a new textbook. Students who need to purchase the materials via the VHL store can do so at this link: https://vistahigherlearning.com/store/school/portlandcc

You have the option to purchase:

a. the code for the digital format only (with an electronic version of the textbook and all online materials & homework for first and second year French) ISBN: 978-1-54330-591-3 for $189.00 (24 mo. access)


b. the looseleaf book that you put into a 3-ring binder with the code (to access all online materials & homework for first and second year French) ISBN: 978-1-54330-446-6 for $235.40 (24 mo. access)


*Many students find having the looseleaf very helpful as it’s easier to read and notate. Please note: once you’ve opened the shrink wrapped book you will not be able to return it. Do not throw away the envelope that comes with it - this contains your code for the supersite.


For students using financial aid, the textbook is also available for purchase and free UPS ground delivery from the PCC bookstore via the "class materials" link at the top right of this page. *Please note that the book is more expensive through the PCC bookstore and may cause a delay in receiving your textbook since financial aid does not always come in by the first week of the term.

Student success:
Students who have taken French classes at PCC really appreciate how we make learning French in immersion accessible and fun and how much they can understand and say even after just one week of classes! I’m happy to report that students attain excellent levels of oral, written, and listening proficiency and are very successful in higher level classes at a 4 year university. I would love to have you as part of this class!

A bientôt! 

Professeur Matt Reeder (Prof Matt)


A functioning computer or tablet with webcam and microphone are required for this course. 

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.