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Class information

CS161A Programming I

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  • CRN: 23317
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:

Class materials


Find out which textbooks are required for this class.

Details about this class

In-person lecture and lab combined class at BLDG 7 - Rock Creek Campus 227 every T & R.

There will be in-person and virtual office hours. The details on date and time will be provided on course syllabus and in the Learning Management System (LMS). For the assessment, the course consists of assignments, discussions, a midterm exam and a final exam.
You have one week grace period to turn in each assignment. No late penalties will be applied to the lately submitted assignments.
All the assessments and exams (including midterm and final) will be completed online on LMS. The exams will be timed.
The course requires you to spend at least 3 hours a day practicing writing programs in C++.
More information will be available in the class syllabus and LMS.


A computer with good internet access is necessary. The course requires you to use the internet to access course materials, interactive digital textbook, and internet based tools to learn from the course.
So, your computer should have installed or be able to access the following tools via internet:

  • D2L Learning Management System for the class content.
  • ZyBook
  • Zoom application (is provided by PCC and built-in to the LMS).
  • Word processing software (google apps is provided by PCC and built-in to the LMS).
  • Integrated Program Development Environment (IDE)

Further information about your computer requirement can be found in the following link:


This course uses an online textbook from zyBooks.com - there is no hardcopy textbook. The text can be accessed using any standard web browser.  The Zybook for the course can be accessed by purchasing from original site of Zybook using following steps:

  1. Sign in or create an account at learn.zybooks.com
  2. Enter zyBook code: PCCCS161ASpring24
  3. Subscribe

[Note: It is better to buy from the zybooks web site than the PCC bookstore unless you have financial aid. You can get a discount if you have taken previous courses or if you have withdrawn, the book is free. You can also get a temp subscription for 1 month. The condition may apply if you have a 1-year subscription, you can’t use that for these books - you must email support@zybooks.com for any issues. The response time is good.]

Students must have access to a personal computer and a C++ compiler. The recommended web interface to use C++ compiler is replit.com. Alternatives for personal computers based on operating systems are: Visual Studio for Windows, VSCode for Linux and MAC. 

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.