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CH243 Organic Chemistry III

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  • CRN: 20155
  • Credits: 5
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Class materials


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Details about this class

There are five main items you need to purchase for the class:

  1. The most important item that you need to have with you for every class is the Straumanis Guided Inquiry Workbook, 2nd Edition (ISBN:0-618-97412-1). You can find the workbook at the bookstore new for ~$30. Please do not purchase a used book with completed exercises.  It is too difficult to erase, and you would only save yourself a few dollars.  Students using already completed workbooks will not receive participation credit.
  2. You will need the Bruice Organic Chemistry text 8th edition to complete the reading assignments and do additional practice problems. If you are uncertain if you want a physical copy or digital ebook version of the text, you can sign up for a FREE 14-day trial for the Mastering Chemistry online homework system which can include the eBook once I post the registration instructions for the online homework system.  The registration instructions for Mastering Chemistry will be posted in D2L when the term starts.

You may purchase the older 7th edition of the text for the reading.  Studies have shown that reading a physical text does improve retention of information over electronic formats and has the advantage or being a resource you can keep to review down the road if necessary. 

I would recommend a physical text (7th or 8th ed.) to all students taking the complete 241-2-3 series and/or those who will need to review Organic Chemistry at a later date (i.e. for the MCAT or science majors).  Once the 24 month period expires for the ebook, you will no longer have access.  

  1. Modified Mastering Organic Chemistry (MMOC) Online Homework System Access Code—NOTE: Do NOT purchase this access code from Amazon or other websites!

Here are four different options for purchasing the Access Code:

Option 1. You can obtain the MMOC code bundled with new 8th ed. hardcopy textbook for $262.50 at the PCC Bookstore.

Option 2.You may purchase an etext + 24 month MMOC access code directly from the Pearson website for $124.99*.

Option 3. You may purchase the ebook and ONLY 18 week access to the Mastering Chemistry online homework system for $69.99.  NOTE: ONLY STUDENTS WHO ARE TAKING 1 TERM OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY WITH ME SHOULD CONSIDER THIS LAST OPTION as 18 weeks is not enough access time for CH 242 and CH 243.

*NOTE: You will NOT be able to purchase the MMOC Access Code from the Pearson website until I finish setting up the course.  Once I get this set up, I'll post the purchasing information with the CourseID to all the students enrolled in the class.

Paying for Mastering Chemistry is NOT like the 221-2-3 series at PCC Sylvania.  For most of the options, you will only need to purchase it once and it will be good for 24 months, thus the higher initial price.

  1. Lab Techniques for Organic Chemistry Textbook by Mohrig (ISBN 9781464134227) (4th and 3rd editions accepted)
  • The 4thedition can be purchased from the PCC Bookstore for $133.60 (new) or $100.20 (used)
  • The 4thand 3rd editions can be purchased from any other website. The 4th edition does have a rental option available from the publisher.  This book will be used for the full year of Organic Chemistry. 
  1. Molecular Modeling Kit (missing from PCC bookstore website)
  • The PCC Bookstore has the Mega Molecules Advanced General and Organic Chemistry Model Set SKU 098208694 for $21.99. This kit is very easy to use and has everything you need for organic chemistry! 

     6.   We will using a Lab Notebook as well.  Please purchase the specific Hayden-McNeil laboratory notebook.

     7.   Preparing for the ACS Examination in Organic Chemistry - 2nd Edition - Orange Cover - 978-1732776418.

Now that you know what you will need for the class, let me explain a little bit about the class format.  If you enrolled in any CH 221-2-3 series course at PCC Sylvania, you already know that we like to utilize group work in our classes.   The Straumanis workbook is a very well-written engaging workbook for learning the material.  I strongly encourage you to read the first few pages of the workbook to learn about the class format prior to the end of the Week 1 drop deadline.

You will find that most students adjust to the teaching approach in the course and find the lectures to be very informative, fun, and engaging.  It can take students with no experience in active learning (i.e. familiar with passive lecturing only) a little longer than others to truly understand the value of the teaching methodology, but once the students adjust they learn how fun it can be to attend a chemistry class!  We often hear comments from students that they were doubtful of the efficacy of the teaching style, but after a term of adjustment, they prefer it to traditional lecturing.  Additionally, our 243 students score, on average, 10 points higher than the national average on the ACS Organic Chemistry Exam. 

The course will be accessible in D2L starting the weekend before the start of term.  I will e-mail the class once it is accessible. 

I look forward to working with all of you!

Ted Picciotto



There is no additional technology required for this class.

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.