Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Class information

ART218C Calligraphy I:Caroling/Uncial

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  • CRN: 23563
  • Credits: 4
  • Locations, days, times, and instructors:
    • Remote, Tuesday and Thursday, from 2 to 4:50pm
      From April 2 through June 13, 2024, Cora Pearl

Class materials


No textbooks required

Details about this class

ATTENDANCE AND MEETING TIMES: This course meets twice a week in real time on Zoom. Regular attendance is necessary to succeed in this class. Students are expected to attend all class sessions during designated meeting times with cameras on—a visual arts class is visual!

ART SUPPLIES: The PCC Bookstore sells a kit of art supplies specifically for this class--be aware that there is a different kit for right-handed and left-handed students. You will not need your art supplies for the first day of class. Art supplies needed for the course will be reviewed and explained on the first day of class. You will need to have a smart phone and access to a printer to participate in this class.

CLASS FORMAT: The instructor will demonstrate broad edge calligraphy skills using a document camera and students will practice skills during class time. Classes include hands-on work, lecture, presentations, class critiques, discussion, and a final project. 

218C FINAL PROJECT: The final project is a handmade book created by and filled with the student’s calligraphy. The project is completed over several weeks both in class and independently and is a culmination and expression of everything learned in this course. 


Students will need a smartphone for photographing and posting images of their artwork

No show policy

Your instructor can mark you as a "no show" if you do not participate in your class during the first week. This will remove you from the class.

Students with disabilities

Students with disabilities should notify their instructor if accommodations are needed to take this class. For information about technologies that help people with disabilities taking Online based classes please visit the Disability Services website.