This content was published: July 12, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

A learning project that took a village

Videos by Bryan Rosenberger.

City Repair’s 10th Village Building Convergence came to the Sylvania Campus in June. The project built a sustainable covered relaxation area in the Sylvania Learning Garden. Community and college volunteers created a cob bench, eco-roof, water catchment system and rain garden, using reclaimed and locally sourced materials.

Keeping with Sylvania’s Native-American theme, the cob bench depicts salmon, respecting the pivotal role it has played in the Pacific Northwest. The half-moon bench encircles the gazebo, showing off the roof system composed of round wood with space for future solar panel additions.

The  Sylvania’s Learning Garden is a space that is being developed as an interdisciplinary living laboratory to demonstrate principles of sustainability. From growing organic produce for the campus cafeteria and composting leftovers in worm bins to scientific test gardens and growing natural dyes for art projects, the learning garden is a dynamic place for students, staff and the public.