This content was published: May 17, 2010. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

PCC Masters Swim Team master first place finishes

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Portland Community College’s masters swim team brought home a first-place medal from the Oregon Masters Swimming championship last month. The college competed in the small team category (nine members or less), and was one of five teams in this division. By the end of the competition, the PCC team had tallied 367 points – 118 points more than the second-place team in this category.

Mixed relay photo – (from left to right): Liz Esser, C.B. Dwight, Lori Lamoureau, Curt La Count.

Thomas Esser, a PCC swimmer – and a student and life guard at the college – was a shining star at this year’s competition. He took first place in six individual races; in four relay events, he garnered three first place wins and one second place ribbon.

Collectively, the championship attracted a total of 1,371 competitors. At each event, Oregon Masters Swimming ranks swimmers’ times in a listing of the 12 Fastest All Time Times. At this year’s championship, members of the PCC team ranked in the top 12 of 12 races – an impressive accomplishment considering the PCC masters team first began competing a mere three years ago.

The team includes C.B. Dwight, Liz Esser, Thomas Esser, Erin Kirkwood, Curt La Count, Lori Lamoureau, Rick Lamoureau, Christine Placek and Steve Roberts.