Project: Multimedia low-level ESOL handbook

This project will develop PCC orientation videos in as many different languages as possible (i.e. Arabic, Vietnamese, Somali, Farsi, Spanish, Korean, Romanian, Chinese, etc.). These videos will be targeted to the low-level ESOL students (Levels 1-3) who do not speak enough English to understand existing PCC orientation material. Topics covered in the videos will include the logistics of attending PCC (parking, registration, library, financial aid, student services, etc.) as well as specific logistics of the Level 1-3 ESOL program which students often misunderstand (eg: the process of moving up to the next level). Because many of the students in Levels 1-3 are often illiterate or low-literate in their native languages, the video format is essential. In addition to providing valuable information, these short videos will offer a meaningful message of “welcome to PCC” to a student population that may often feel marginalized due to language and cultural barriers. Furthermore, these videos will be posted online so that any staff member on any campus can pull them up when working with a non-English speaker.

Division deans; Karen Sanders, Nancy Wessel, David Stout, and Deans of Instruction Craig Kolins, Scott Huff, Birgitte Ryslinge and Jeff Triplett were instrumental in helping fund this project which will be of tremendous help to our international and migrant students. A Staff development grant was also helpful in implementing the project.