
Save the date

Monday, September 16, 2024
Sylvania Campus, HT Gym

  • Tabling: 8-9:30am and 11:30am-1pm
  • Breakfast: 8-9:30am
  • Program: 9:30-11:30am
  • Lunch: 11:30am-1pm
  • Community sessions: 1-4pm

Schedule for the week

  • Tuesday: community sessions at campuses and centers
  • Wednesday: Pathway, program, and department meetings
  • Thursday: SAC and staff meetings
  • Friday: retreats and council meetings

Table registration

Consider hosting a department or program table for In-Service to share information with colleagues. See more information and register for a table.

Community sessions

Community sessions are an opportunity for departments to share their expertise with our college community. See more information and submit a community session proposal.


For questions or concerns, please email inservice@pcc.edu.