Create an EPAF – Step 6

Reviewing errors and warning messages

Some EPAF warnings almost always appear when you create a job and can be disregarded; others require your action. Unfortunately, we can’t ‘suppress’ them selectively, so you’ll need to identify the ones you can ignore vs. the ones you should pay attention to.

Generally, Warnings can be disregarded, and error messages require your action. If you do get an error message, just identify what is wrong, fix the problem, and then press the “Save” and “Submit” buttons to complete your EPAF.

Here are some errors and warning messages which require your action
  1. *WARNING* Rate for this job is outside the Table/Grade range.
    • What’s Wrong: You have specified an Hourly Rate which falls outside the acceptable range for that Grade. If HR receives the EPAF this way, it will be returned for correction.
    • How to Fix It: Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the link “EPAF Originator Summary.” Next, click on the line associated with the EPAF you want to fix and make your corrections. Either the Pay or the Grade must be changed. Refer to the Salary Schedule to find the Grade associated with the job you want and the Rate of Pay associated with the Grade. (If you have questions about what grade a specific casual job should be associated with, contact your HR Specialist.) Press ‘Save” and then ‘Submit’ when you’re done.
  2. *ERROR* Job Begin Date cannot be after Employee’s Termination Date.
    OR *ERROR* New Effective Date cannot be after Employee’s Termination Date.

    • What’s Wrong: This means the employee record in Banner is currently terminated.
    • How to Fix It: Contact your HR representative and request that the employee record be reactivated.
Here are some warning messages which can be ignored
  • *WARNING* Conflicting job factors found. Job will not be reported on IPEDS.
  • *WARNING* Encumbrance has been set to 0, because method is Hours Input.
  • *WARNING* Total Enc Hrs do not equal sum of Enc Hrs (0) in fiscal year.
  • *WARNING* Total FTE for this position is greater than budgeted FTE.
  • *WARNING* Encumbrance hrs for fiscal year will not be balanced w/total.
  • *WARNING* Total FTE for this employee exceeds one as of the eff date.

Generally, ERROR messages must be addressed. Read the error message and determine what needs to be done, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link “EPAF Originator Summary.” Next, click on the line associated with the EPAF you want to fix and make your corrections. Your EPAF will not be successfully submitted until you have resolved it.

Contact Human Resources if you are unsure how to address error messages:

When you call, please have the EPAF Transaction Number, the G Number of the Employee, and the Position and Suffix Number of the job ready. These can be found by navigating to “EPAF Originator Summary”, on the “Current” tab.