This content was published: April 1, 2018. Phone numbers, email addresses, and other information may have changed.

NISOD Scholarship Recipient – Ann Su

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Head shot of Ann SuCongratulations to Ann Su on her selection as a recipient for a 2018 NISOD scholarship! The scholarship was awarded after an application and review process to five faculty recipients from different community colleges across the nation that exhibit values that reflect NISOD’s mission of promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges.

Additionally, she will be a presenter at the upcoming NISOD conference. Her presentation title is Breaking Down Educational Barriers: Combating the Negative Impact of Implicit Bias. Participants will leave with an understanding of what implicit bias is and the unintended and negative consequences it can have in general and within higher education: classroom, hiring practices etc. They will be given strategies for reducing the negative influence of implicit bias through usage of a “toolkit”.

Ann has worked as a part-time faculty member at PCC since 2015. She teaches in multiple disciplines and her areas of expertise span: Law, Women’s Studies, Race and Racism, Public Speaking, and Social Justice. She is passionate about connecting people to their best selves and bridging understanding between people and communities. Teaching is a natural extension of these values. She strives to help her students see beyond labels and self-limitations. Her belief is that they can be artists, writers, philosophers, and scientists because they all share a curiosity and passion in learning, creativity, and growth.

Ann is personally and professionally devoted to a life of growth and innovation. She is looking forward to attending the conference to bring her curiosity and creativity to collaborations with and learning from colleagues.

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