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This drawing I made was in class when we were exploring the idea of zentangle and the concept of sketching and how you can also make art with this as well. I named this piece eye in my indigenous dialect "IXTELOLOHTLI". This was my first time formally sktching, I say formally because I was always told this was not art. When sketching this I am thinking about the theme and how people always say "I wish I had there life" or "I wish we could trade lives" but when people say this they usually don't know the person well enough to say that they want their life. I painted myself on the right side and my old friend on the left because she would always say she wished she had my life or that she wished she was like me because she was so "boring" and her home life was boring as well. But what she didn't know was that my real life at home was bad because it was filled with domestic violence and sexual abuse as a young child. At school I was happy because it was the only place I felt safe which is why everyone liked me at school because I was always happy at school. When I was drawing the patterns and the monster on my side I focused on the texture I was giving off to the person seeing the painting. And the tear drop I had painted on my side was because in reality I wanted her life because she had a great life but she saw it as boring which is why I made my tear drop the pattern of her side.