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Reading and writing placement form

Submit this form as part of your placement process if both these things are true:

  • This is your first time in college
  • It’s been more than 7 years since high school or GED® (or it’s been less than 7 years but you are not able to get placement with grades)

The placement process is different for students enrolling in ESOL or GED®.

About reading and writing placement levels

Writing 121

Writing 121 (WR 121) offers broad preparation for composing in a variety of writing situations, with opportunities to read and write both for yourself and for others. This is the highest placement level.

Placement at the 121 level means you’ll focus on…

  • Analyzing and composing a variety of texts
  • Engaging texts critically, ethically, and strategically to support writing goals
  • Developing composition, revision, and editing strategies for a variety of purposes, audiences, writing situations, and genres
  • Preparing for both academic writing and professional communication

This class is a fit for you if…

  • You received an A or B in your most recent English course
  • You have previously composed a writing assignment at least three pages in length
  • You have previously composed a writing assignment that included research, quotes, and references
  • You dedicate time and effort to your writing
  • You use strategies for developing and revising your writing

If you select WR 121, expect reading instruction to be integrated into the writing work you do. There is no separate reading class required. Completing WR 121 with a C or better transfers to most colleges and universities as college composition credits and counts toward PCC degree requirements.

Reading 115 and Writing 115

Reading 115 (RD 115) and Writing 115 (WR 115) introduce college-level reading and writing skills and both classes can be taken in the same term. IRW 115, RD 115, and WR 115 prepare students to enter into WR 121.

Integrated Reading and Writing 115 (IRW 115) combines reading and writing to help you develop as a college-level reader and writer all in one, accelerated course.

Placement in the 115 level means you’ll focus on…

  • Reading to understand writing concepts (audience, purpose, voice, & design)
  • Using composing and reading strategies for comprehension and critical thinking
  • Using reading strategies to compose texts
  • Meeting the expectations of diverse audiences
  • Locating accurate and reliable information
  • Conveying and supporting a perspective
  • Using flexible strategies for drafting, revising, and editing

These classes are a fit for you if…

  • You want to improve confidence in yourself as a reader and writer
  • You are interested in instructor-supported opportunities to practice reading critically, locating information, exploring ideas, and writing to learn
  • You would like to learn strategies that enhance college reading
  • You are looking to improve the organization and planning of your writing

Completing IRW 115, RD 115, and WR 115 with a C or better transfers to most colleges and universities as college-level elective credits and may count toward some PCC degree requirements.

Reading 90 and Writing 90

Reading 90 (RD 90) and Writing 90 (WR 90) and Integrated Reading and Writing 90 (IRW 90) are designed to help you build your skills and build your confidence for college-level reading and writing.

Placement in the 90 level means you’ll focus on…

  • Reading for meaning and comprehension
  • Building vocabulary
  • Finding the main idea and major details in a variety of written texts
  • Reading and thinking critically
  • Communicating in writing
  • Learning multiple ways to structure sentences and paragraphs
  • Developing and using flexible strategies for reading and writing as a process
  • Raising awareness of what you think while you’re reading and writing

This class is a fit for you if…

  • You would like to better understand and retain what you read
  • You would like to build skills to make reading less frustrating and confusing
  • You want to refresh or practice writing as a process from pre-writing to revising
  • You want to establish a stronger foundation to prepare for reading and writing for college
  • You would benefit from in-class time for practicing college level reading and writing

IRW 90, RD 90, and WR 90 are pre-college credits do not transfer to other colleges and universities, and do not count toward PCC degree requirements. These courses are designed to prepare you to be successful in IRW 115, RD 115, and WR 115.

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If you have questions, please contact testing.placement@pcc.edu.