CCOG for MT 101 archive revision 101
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- Effective Term:
- Summer 2014 through Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- MT 101
- Course Title:
- Introduction to Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Credit Hours:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 10
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
This is the first course in a three course set: MT 101, MT 102, and MT 103 or MT 104. The set is required for graduation with the Certificate of Completion or the AAS degree in Microelectronics Technology, with or without the Solar Voltaic Manufacturing option.
This course may be offered in an on-campus format or in a distance learning format on the world-wide-web.
Intended Outcomes for the course
- Determine if Microelectronics Technology is a field to further pursue.
- Operate with understanding in the working environment: cleanrooms, compressed workweek, etc.
- Use developed abilities and habits in the information methods of the industry to communicate and find information on: business news, processes, advances, technical data, etc.
Course Activities and Design
Course activities will include a variety of learning activities, such as: instructor delivered lectures, demonstrations, and/or student discussions stressing key topics in the course. In preparation for the lecture portion of the course, students will be expected to complete all reading and problem/question homework assignments.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Assessment of student performance in this course will consist of written examinations. Assessment may also include oral presentations, written reports, and other class projects.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
1. Microelectronics Technology
1.1. Understand the courses and their purpose in the MT AAS degree program
1.2. Identify the local employment opportunities in the industry
1.3. Describe the working environment in the industry
2. History of the Semiconductor Industry
2.1. Trace the history of the semiconductor industry from the invention of the transistor in 1947 to the present, giving dates and names of people for major discoveries, inventions, and events.
2.2. Identify key applications of integrated circuits and list the advantages of integrated circuits over earlier, discrete devices used in electronic products.
2.3. State Moore’s Law and discuss current trends in semiconductor manufacturing: understand feature size and feature size reduction, role of wafer size and benefits of increasing wafer size, associated fabrication construction costs, the role of throughput, and associated economic risks.
5. Overview of Wafer Fabrication
5.5. Describe how a fabrication is laid out including facilities and contamination control devices and procedures
5.6. Describe the role of test and sort, the relationship of yield and defect density, and the purpose of in-line metrology and statistical process control
5.7. Describe the purpose of packaging, the different options, and the economics.
12. Test, Sort, and Packaging
12.1. Describe the process of testing and sorting.
12.2. Explain reliability and how reliability testing is done.