CCOG for FMT 125 archive revision 125

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Effective Term:
Summer 2014 through Winter 2025

Course Number:
FMT 125
Course Title:
Natural Gas Equipment I
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Covers natural gas and its properties, pressures, piping and the mechanical code requirements for natural gas installation. Utilizing basic knowledge gained in this course, students can apply this knowledge to basic diagnosis procedures. Audit available.

Intended Outcomes for the course

  1. Knowledge of the different terms and words used in gas equipment.
  2. Knowledge about the history of natural gas and the different characteristics involved.
  3. Knowledge of the mechanics of combustion and familiarity with the gas/air relationships.
  4. Knowledge of the different types of regulators used with gas equipment.
  5. Knowledge of the different types of piping, sizing and connectors used with gas equipment.
  6. Knowledge of the mechanics of venting and the materials for venting.
  7. Knowledge of the purpose and different methods of combustion air.

Course Activities and Design

This course is primarily lecture/discussion, lab demonstrations and audio visual materials.

Outcome Assessment Strategies

Procedures will be discussed at the first class session and the instructor's grading policy will be referenced on the class syllabus. Assessment will be based on attendance, participation, personal improvement, homework, quizzes, and the final examination.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

  1. Knowledge of the different terms and words used in gas equipment.
  2. Knowledge about the history of natural gas and the different characteristics involved.
  3. Knowledge of the mechanics of combustion and familiarity with the gas/air relationships.
  4. Knowledge of the different types of regulators used with gas equipment.
  5. Knowledge of the different types of piping, sizing and connectors used with gas equipment.
  6. Knowledge of the mechanics of venting and the materials for venting.
  7. Knowledge of the purpose and different methods of combustion air.