BP 2350 Speakers

Persons may speak to the Board of Directors either on an agenda item or on other matters of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Directors.

Oral presentations relating to a matter on the agenda, including those on the consent agenda, shall be heard before a vote is called on the item.

Persons wishing to speak to matters not on the agenda shall do so at the time designated at the meeting for public comment.

Those wishing to speak to the Board of Directors are subject to the following:

The Chair of the Board of Directors may rule members of the public out of order if their remarks do not pertain to matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Directors or if their remarks are unduly repetitive.

Speakers shall complete a written request to address the Board of Directors at the beginning of the meeting at which they wish to speak.

The request shall include the person’s name and name of the organization or group represented, if any, and a statement noting the agenda item or topic to be addressed.

No member of the public may speak without being recognized by the Chair of the Board of Directors.

Each speaker will be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes per speaker and/or topic. Thirty (30) minutes shall be the maximum time allotment for public speakers on any one subject regardless of the number of speakers at any one Board of Directors meeting. At the discretion of a majority of the Board of Directors these time limits may be extended.

Each speaker coming before the Board of Directors is limited to one presentation per specific agenda item before the Board of Directors, and to one presentation per meeting on non-agenda matters.

Speakers may offer criticisms of district operations and programs that are of concern to them but, in public session, are advised to refrain from personal complaints against school personnel or any person connected with the district. Supporting a collaborative culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion, the Chair is empowered to insure orderly and civil discourse. The Board Secretary will maintain a file of correspondence received from citizens and will ensure that the file is available for Board member review at all times.

In the unusual event of unruly behavior significantly disrupting a meeting, the Board Chair, may adjourn the Board Meeting and reconvene in the same day to continue in a virtual setting where Board members and others may be seen and see others with participants muted until recognized to speak by the Board Chair or the Chair’s designee. Alternatively, the adjourned meeting could convene at another day or time as a Special Meeting (in accordance with Special Meeting protocols). In any case, speakers providing public commentary may present their views if they abide by policies noted here and in BP 2345.

(June 2021)

ORS 192.630

This replaces B202 Board Operations and Bylaws: Citizen Communications with the Board.