Veterinary Technology

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Veterinary technology is a profession involving animal health care in which individuals work with veterinarians, biological researchers, and other scientists. Duties may include restraining animals, administering medications and anesthetics, performing laboratory tests, cleaning teeth, taking x-rays, preparing an animal for surgery, and assisting the veterinary doctor in surgery. Veterinary technology offers a 2 year program which includes internships designed to give students practical "hands-on" experience applying skills learned in the classroom. For admissions information call the PCC Veterinary Technology Program at 971-722-7252. Enrollment in courses is limited to those officially accepted into the program or having the Department Chair's approval, with the exception of VT109 Radiation Safety, which is open to veterinary clinic employees.

VT 101
Intro to Veterinary Technology
VT 104
Veterinary Ward Care
VT 105
Compar Vet Anatomy & Phys I
VT 109
Radiation Safety
VT 114
Domestic Animal Behavior
VT 121
Large Animal Nursing/Restraint
VT 201
VT 204
Applied Radiography
VT 205
Veterinary Pharmacology
VT 215
Laboratory Animal Science