CCOG for WLD 190C Fall 2024

Course Number:
WLD 190C
Course Title:
Intermediate Welding Practice
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture/Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:

Course Description

Introduction to the fillet weld in the 3F and 4F position to build the skills required to successfully certify in accordance with AWS D1.1 Welding Code. This class in a three course sequence. Audit available.

Addendum to Course Description

This is a outcome based course utilizing a lecture/lab format. This course includes classroom discussions, videotapes, lab demonstrations and technical skills. Course outcomes will include theoretical concepts, layout, fabrication, welding, Oxyacetylene cutting, safety and environmental awareness, communication, computations and human relations.

Intended Outcomes for the course

•Function safely in a welding shop environment.
•Operate oxyacetylene portable and track cutting systems in accordance with industry standards.
•Produce code quality welds utilizing the fillet weld requirements set forth in AWS D1.1
•Apply the use of visual inspection tools and techniques as set forth in AWS D1.1 Welding Code and industry standards

Outcome Assessment Strategies

The student will be assessed on his/her ability to demonstrate the development of course outcomes. The methods of assessment may include one or more of the following: oral or written examinations, quizzes, observations, written assignments, visual inspection techniques, welding tests, safe work habits, task performance and work relations.

Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)

Function safely in the PCC Welding Shop.

  • Understand and practice personal safety by using proper protective gear.
  • Understand and practice hand tool and power tool safety.
  • Understand and practice equipment safety for welding and Oxyacetylene cutting systems.
  • Understand and maintain a safe work area.
  • Recognize and report dangerous electrical and air/gas hose connections.
  • Understand and practice fire prevention.
  • Access and explain the importance of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
  • Operate Oxyacetylene portable and track cutting systems in accordance with industry standards
  • Demonstrate correct setup and shutdown procedures for the hand cutting and track cutting systems.
  • Perform Oxyacetylene cutting with guided practice.

Develop knowledge and skills in the selected the Welding Process.

  • The instructor and the student will design the course outcomes.