CCOG for MUS 195C Winter 2025
- Course Number:
- MUS 195C
- Course Title:
- Symphonic Band
- Credit Hours:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 30
Course Description
Provides the opportunity to participate in a conducted symphonic band for brass, woodwind and percussion instrumentalists. Includes rehearsal and performance of repertoire from the 17th-21st centuries. Audit available Prerequisites: MUS 195B.
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon successful completion, students should be able to:
- Use an understanding of beginning/intermediate-?level musicianship and performance etiquette to perform intermediate repertory to a public audience as a member of a music ensemble.
- Use an understanding of beginning/intermediate music literacy to prepare and rehearse intermediate-?level repertory as a member of a large music ensemble.
- Use an understanding of beginning/intermediate-?level rehearsal techniques and etiquette to follow a conductor, annotate music, and be a contributing member of a large music ensemble.
- Use an understanding of stylistic differences in basic/intermediate-?level repertory to accurately interpret instrumental band music in performance.
- Use a basic/intermediate-?level understanding of their primary instrument to continue to improve as a performer of music.
Course Activities and Design
- Rehearsal and performance of standard collegiate-?level band repertoire from the 17th century to the contemporary period.
- Public performance of rehearsed material.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
- Qualitative and quantitative examination of assigned part(s) in solo, sectional and group applications.
- Ensemble participation and attendance.
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
- Development of musical skills: articulation, dynamic control, phrasing, tone production, balance and sight-?reading.
- The conductor and the baton – metric patterns and cues.
- Performance etiquette.
- Execution of assigned part(s) as directed by the conductor.
- Listen and respond to conductor, section leaders and the ensemble.
- Sight-?reading parts at appropriate level.