CCOG for ECE 241 archive revision 241
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- Effective Term:
- Spring 2015 through Winter 2017
- Course Number:
- ECE 241
- Course Title:
- Exploring the CDA
- Credit Hours:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 30
- Lecture/Lab Hours:
- 0
- Lab Hours:
- 0
Course Description
Addendum to Course Description
Introduction to the Child Development Associate will offer an opportunity for students to gain information about the CDA as one way to gain recognition for professional development. The course will focus on giving information about the training requirements and options, including the certificate programs and the associate of applied science program in early childhood education at Portland Community College. The course will also offer an option for on-going support between class members as they make progress toward achieving the CDA credential.
Intended Outcomes for the course
Upon successful completion, students should be able to:
- Articulate the history and function of the CDA.
- Describe the process of applying, developing competencies, and completing the requirements for the CDA.
Course Activities and Design
The course content will include: overview of the CDA, pathways to professional development, professional autobiography, resource file, scholarships, advisor selection, preparation for the observation, application form, Parent Opinion Questionnaires, and verification visit.
The format will include mini-lectures, small group discussions, and guest speakers.
Outcome Assessment Strategies
Requirements include class attendance, completion of a professional development plan, draft of one statement of competence, and development of the resource collection for one competency goal area. In addition, optional assignments may be completed by the students. Final grades will be assigned based upon the completion of the above
Course Content (Themes, Concepts, Issues and Skills)
*Knowledge of the CDA and how it fits into an individual professional
development plan.
*Knowledge of the process of training and applying for the CDA.
*Articulation of statement of competence in one of the six competency
goal areas for the CDA, suitable for the resource file.
*Development of resource collection for one of the competency goal
areas, suitable for the resource file.