Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Week 2: April 6- April 12

Hello students!

I enjoyed getting to talk to each of you last week. I asked you questions on the class survey and then I emailed that back to you.

Right now, our class will not meet. You will do the assignments on this page before the class week ends on Sunday, April 12th at midnight.

This week we are talking about Greetings. These are your assignments.

  1. Please watch these videos and complete the exercises.
  2. Please watch these other videos and complete the exercises.
  3. After you complete these exercises, send me an email and tell me one thing that you learned.
  4. Then answer the questions here with your classmates.
  5. You can answer the questions and comment on your classmates’ comments.

Thanks for talking about greetings with us!


Here is a video of a teacher explaining how to use Padlet. Please watch the video.

To add a picture on Padlet, you must click the + sign at the bottom of the post. Now you are making your own post to answer the question, not just commenting on another persons post. Then you can search for pictures or add your own. Always write your name in the post so we know who wrote it.

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