PCC Champions for Opportunity

Chris and Tom Neilsen

“We believe in PCC and are proud to support opportunity for all students. By becoming a Champion for Opportunity and establishing the Student Success Endowed Fund, you can help sustain the impact of this campaign forever.” Chris & Tom Neilsen, Chairs, The Campaign for Opportunity

Meet our Champions for Opportunity

The Portland Community College Foundation is looking for 100 Champions of Opportunity, who will ensure that PCC has the resources to be responsive to the needs of students today, tomorrow and long into the future.

As the most relied upon institution in the region, PCC provides pathways to success for people in all stages of life. PCC allows students the opportunity to enhance their futures and follow their dreams through critical, high-quality education.

The PCC Foundation, as part of the Campaign for Opportunity, is asking our closest supporters to come together as Champions for Opportunity to establish the Student Success Endowed Fund. With 100 donors, a $1 million endowment will be established to fund student scholarships, coaching, educational programs and emergency assistance grants so that our students can focus on what matters most: succeeding at PCC.

As a Champion for Opportunity, you will be recognized throughout the campaign on the PCC Foundation website, in the PCC Foundation’s annual report and on a special Champions for Opportunity recognition feature at PCC.

Becoming a Champion for Opportunity can also benefit you tax-wise. Fulfilling your pledge using a gift of appreciated stock is a convenient way to avoid capital gains penalties. And for donors age 72 and up, making your gift using your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) helps to reduce taxable income – a concern for many retirees. Both methods are as easy as a phone call to your broker or financial advisor, and you can learn more about the methods.


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If 100 Champions give $10,000 to the Student Success Endowment Fund…


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the Student Success Endowment Fund will have $1 million…


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and thousands of lives will be changed.

To be a Champion for Opportunity

Make a gift of $10,000 to the Student Success Endowment Fund. This can be fulfilled as a one-time donation or split into installments payable up to five years.