Course delivery methods


Face-to-Face is the traditional classroom delivery mode, where all contact hours are performed on campus in a physical classroom. Instructors of these courses do not use a learning management system to post course materials online.  Technology may be used for classroom interaction and students may be required to use computers and internet to complete assignments.

Web enhanced

Web-enhanced courses combine the traditional classroom delivery style with an institutions learning management system.  The LMS is used to host course materials that support specific pedagogical needs. Assignments may also be completed and submitted via the LMS.  All contact hours are still performed on campus in a physical classroom.

  • If you teach a credit course, you can use D2L Brightspace as a space to post your files and grades. You can also do a whole lot more with it, like record attendance, administer assignments, and much more.
  • If you teach a non-credit class, you can use Google Apps (Sites or Drive) or PCC Webeasy.


A hybrid course meets in person and has online work that replaces some in-person class time. The amount of time spent in person and online varies between courses. The in-person time is noted in the schedule.

Find out more about hybrid course support.


An online course is administered asynchronously through the institution’s learning management system. On-campus meetings are not required. However, online courses may require proctored in-person exams.