Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

Paull’s ABE Math Syllabus


Foundation of Math 1 and Science Basics

ABE/GED Mission Statement

The Adult Basic Education Department serves a diverse population of learners both on campus and in the community.  Our mission is to teach basic skills and assist learners in acquiring the knowledge to function effectively as a family member, citizen, worker and lifelong learner in a changing world.

Course Description

This class is designed in a lecture/contextualize format.  It is for students who need to improve their understanding of math basics and refresh forgotten math skills or increase their functional speed in whole number arithmetic. Below are the course topics and requirements:

  • No pre-requisite is required
  • Your math and science homework should take 4 – 8 hours each week to complete
  • You can use a calculator, but you need to show problem set-up and your work.
  • Basic Algebraic Reasoning
  • Whole number facts
  • Basic Measurements
  • Everyday basic applications
  • Cost and Distance
  • Order of operations
  • Perimeter and Area
  • Mean and Median
  • Selective science topics
  • Reading graphs, charts and tables
  • Basic fractions and decimals
  • Basic Percent Concepts

Remember there is no right or wrong technique on solving these applications, but we should be able to communicate our findings to each other respectfully.  You are responsible for being in class on time for lectures and finishing the assignments I assign.

1. Learning Environment.  Everyone who enters this classroom has the right to achieve his/her goals.  Please make our classroom a pleasant place to work; loud or prolonged talking, text messaging, or visiting should take place outside of the classroom before class and during breaks.  Show courtesy and respect to all members of the classroom.  Please turn off your cell phones, No food (water only) in the classroom, and if unexcused students do not return from the classroom ten minute break, you only be recorded for the time spent in class.  Please read the following link: http://www.pcc.edu/about/policy/student-rights/student-rights.pdf#academic-integrity.

2. Classroom/College Policies.  Everyone who enters this classroom is expected to make progress; therefore, everyone is expected to attend 100% of the scheduled class hours.  Students who attend less than 80% of the scheduled class hours could be dropped, unless a written agreement has been signed.  If you are sick or must be out of town during class days, please let me know in person or by email.  Inappropriate behavior on campus or in the classroom may result in suspension or expulsion.  Please read the following link: http://www.pcc.edu/about/policy/student-rights/student-rights.pdf#code-of-student-conduct .

3. Typical Class Schedule: The first week of class will focus on assessing your math skills and introducing D2L, Learning Express and online resources.  The class is structured as Class Warm-ups, Review Previous Class Topics, Introduce New Math topic, Small Group work/individual study, introduce/discuss a variety of Science topics. 

4. Office of Disability Services:  Please let me know after class if you have learning concerns or need special accommodations for a learning disability. If you had an IEP in high school, you can get accommodations. There are counselors who can help you. Call Maria Buccieri for an appointment, her phone number is  971-722-6340. Her office is in the new Student Commons building (SCOM).

5. Supplies.  Please bring paper, pen, pencils, erasers to class, and a dictionary.  You will receive a folder for your assignments you have done in the classroom.  Books and materials are available for use in the classroom only.  If you are interested in purchasing GED math books, they are available in the SE center bookstore.  Handouts of our classroom discussion will be given for homework.

6. Electronic Resources.  Please note: write down all your log-ins and passwords from the websites below on the sheet that is provided for you in this syllabus and keep it with you at all times to remember.

  • PCC Desire-To-Learn (D2L). You will find additional on-line learning resources,  you can access it through My.PCC any time from your home, local library, or PCC’s computer lab.  Some I-Phones can access it.  It is located in the My.pcc.edu portal.  If you want additional work, you have the freedom to go to this site.  For you to have continued access to our class D2L, you must attend class regularly.
  • PCC.edu/staff/pkaady. There are links to numerous websites and general information needed to complete your GED and other PCC programs.
  • My.PCC.Edu. You can add, drop, update your personal information, read/write email, keep inform on PCC news, and especially have access to additional class resources in MyCourses.
  • Khanacademy.org is an online interactive website that can assist you in understanding basic math problems.
  • Patrickjmt.com. The intent of these videos is to provide clear and thorough explanations for the students feel comfortable with math.
  • Math-drills.com. Math-Drills.com has thousands of Free Math Worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety of math topics.

7. Subject/Methods.  The GED subject consists of math, Language Arts and Writing, social studies and science.  Students often missed questions pertaining to graphs/maps/charts/tables/ on the social studies.  USA Today is one of the recommended source for studying graphs and tables.

8. GED Scores.  Colleges and vocational/apprenticeship programs may have higher score requirements.  Make sure you know what GED scores you will need to enter another program.  You need to register on GED.com to obtain your GED scores online, in addition to register for taking a test.

9. End of Term Progress Code.  PCC requires me to indicate progress for every student registered in my GED math class.  These codes will not affect your grade point average (GPA) when you begin taking career or mainstream classes.  You will receive one of the following codes at the end of the quarter.

·   CM:  A student will receive this code if they pass the GED Math test.

·    PR:    An ABE student who shows progress on their CASAS Math Post-test, turn in require assignments, and attend over 60% of the classes will receive this code.

·    L:      A student that left the class at some point during the term before completing the work for this level.  The date of the last attended by the student will be posted.

·     N:      An ABE is not progressing or meeting course standard if they attend less than 60% of the time and completed less than 60% of the require assignments.

·     UP:    Unsatisfactory Progress.  A student will receive this code if they do not attend class regularly and do not do the assign class work.

10. Special Benefits.  If you attend 50 plus hours of class and completely pass the official GED test, you will be eligible to receive a one-term tuition waiver to PCC.  This waiver will pay for a maximum of 15 credit hours for one term.  If you complete your GED test before April 15th (subject to change), you will be eligible to graduate in the PCC June Ceremony.