Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon Portland Community College

What to expect from your yoga practice

The first side affect I experienced from my yoga practice was decreased irritability and anxiety. Next, after a few months I noticed that my strength was increasing. I also found that stretching wasn’t as unpleasant as I first thought it was, it even became enjoyable 🙂

I teach a couple different yoga classes at PCC Cascade Campus:

Gentle Yoga/ Meditation is a great fit for those who are new to the practice of yoga, those who are new to exercise in general, or those who would benefit from having a low impact class that focuses on our bodies inner happenings as well as postures.

Yoga 1/2 This class is all levels. I teach Vinyasa style asana. My background is in Ashtanga Yoga which is the grandfather of vinyasa. In class we move through postures fluidly and are moving most of the class. I incorporate forward folds, twists, balance, backbends, and hip openers into all classes. The most important aspect of this type of yoga is breath!

Power Yoga All PE classes at PCC are all levels, but I would encourage students to have some yoga or dynamic exercise experience. Power Yoga is an american interpretation of vinyasa yoga. In addition to all the components of Yoga 1/2, we will incorporate more core work, inversions, and body weight activities. We will take a little time at the end of each class to cool and calm down before heading out into the world again.

I started practicing asana (the postures of yoga) in 2004. I’ve always been an active person but not naturally flexible (or calm). Yoga has shaped a big portion of my current life and has helped me feel better day to day. It is accessible to anyone who is motivated to try. I hope to see you in class. -Melissa