Conscious vs Conscience (Latin Roots 8 Supplemental)

Refer to p. 40 Supplementary Root Exercise (scroll down)

Excerpt from President Bush’s February 14th, 2007 News Conference:

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, thanks. A couple of points. One, that I understand the Congress is going to express their opinion, and it’s very clear where the Democrats are, and some Republicans; I know that. They didn’t like the decision I made. And by the way, that doesn’t mean that I think that they’re not good, honorable citizens of the country. I just have a different opinion. I considered some of their opinions and felt like it would not lead to a country that could govern itself, sustain itself, and be an ally in the war on terror. One.

Secondly, my hope, however, is that this non-binding resolution doesn’t try to turn into a binding policy that prevents our troops from doing that which I have asked them to do. That’s why I keep reminding people, on the one hand you vote for David Petraeus in a unanimous way, and then the other hand you say that you’re not going to fund the strategy that he thought was necessary to do his job, a strategy he testified to in front of the Senate. I’m going to make it very clear to the members of Congress, starting now, that they need to fund our troops and they need to make sure we have the flexibility necessary to get the job done.

Secondly, I find it interesting that there is a declaration about a plan that they have not given a chance to work. Again, I understand, I understand. The other part of your question?

Q It emboldens —

THE PRESIDENT: The only thing I can tell you is that when I speak, I’m very conscience [sic] about the audiences that are listening to my words. The first audience, obviously, is the American people. The second audience would be the troops and their families. That’s why I appreciate the question about whether or not — about the troop morale, it gave me a chance to talk to the families and how proud we are of them.

(Note the irony in the statement about the audience listening to his words.)