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CALL – Week 4

1. Practice reading fluency.  (20 minutes)
  1. Go to this website to read the story “The Common Cold.”
  2. Look at the vocabulary words.  Listen to how they are pronounced.
  3. Read the story out loud.   Time yourself for one minute.   How far do you get?
  4. Find the blue button that says “1st Reading.”  Listen and read the words out loud with the recording.
  5. Then do “2nd Reading.”
  6. Do “3rd Reading.”  Can you say the words at the same time as the recording?
  7. Time yourself for one minute again.   Did you get farther?
  8. Go back to the Wakelet page and answer the comprehension questions.

*If you click on the link at the top “Marshall Leveled Reading Program, Level B,” you can find more stories.\


2.  Study Past Tense Verbs
  1. Go to Quizlet and study verbs #37-48.   Practice the Flashcards, Write, and Gravity
3.  Count and Non-count Nouns

If you have time you can watch these videos to learn about how we use count and non-count nouns in English.

  1. Easy Examples – These are silly, old videos, but they have some good practice.  Video 1:  Listen for “There aren’t” and “There isn’t”   Video 2:  Listen for “not much/a little” and “not many/a few”
  2. Extra English Practice – Fun practice with count and non-count nouns.
  3. Jennifer’s English – A lesson on how to use words like “some, any, a few, a little, …” with count and non-count nouns.