Ally Committee

The Ally Committee is a sub-committee of the PCC Rock Creek Diversity Council.

Resources for diversity at Rock Creek

Josephine Pino photo and quote (below)

“I firmly believe that when every person has the opportunity to aim high and work hard to achieve their own potential, we all win. To me, one of the saddest things that can happen in a community is when human potential of any type goes to waste.” Josephine Pino, Biology Instructor

Elissa Rust photo and quote (below)

“I believe in the human rights of all people and that those rights, as Eleanor Roosevelt said, begin in the small places close to home. PCC is one such place, and should be a safe and welcoming space for all who learn and work here.” Elissa Rust, English Instructor

Andrea Lowgren photo and quote (below)

“I am an ally for diversity because I believe we all need to take an active personal responsibility in creating a culture and a society in which everyone is treated with equality and respect.” Andrea Lowgren, History and Women’s Studies Instructor

Paul Halloran photo and quote (below)

“I am an ally for diversity because my greatest insights about life have come through allies that helped me know myself and my gifts that I was given to share with others. It is an honor to be present to those who are perceived as the other in our community.” Paul Halloran