Core Outcomes: Professional Competence
Use Disciplinary Knowledge
- Use available resources to find information.
- Use the methods of inquiry or expression of a discipline or profession, such as observation, experimentation, experience, analysis, diagnosis or creative processes.
- Identify and/or recreate concepts, terms, and facts.
- Perform tasks, procedures, and processes with competence.
- Use basic terms, concepts, and facts to gain additional or more complex knowledge as a lifelong learner.
Apply Concepts, Skills, and Processes
- Produce a product, project, or presentation in an academic, professional, or technical setting.
- Use knowledge and skills to increase their understanding of themselves and others, and to expand their abilities.
- Transfer concepts and skills to other fields or new situations creatively.
- Explain concepts and skills to others.
- Apply appropriate technologies to analyze, solve, and present solutions to problems.
- Identify and use appropriate technology (e.g. computers, etc.) to research, solve, and present solutions to problems.
- Collaborate, take risks, demonstrate multi-disciplinary awareness, and use the imagination to achieve creative responses to problems.
- Make a decision and take actions based on analysis of information.
- Interpret and express quantitative ideas effectively in written, visual, aural, and oral form.
- Interpret and use written, quantitative, and visual text effectively in presentation of solutions to problems.
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.