Student Tuition and Fees – B 503

The Board will set and publish tuition rates.

The Board will also approve all other student fees, including mandatory student-initiated fees that are of a general nature and affect the majority of the student body. Further, the board will collect mandatory student-initiated fees upon the request of the recognized student government to the college president using a process established by the student government in consultation with the board and the college president.

If a dispute arises between the recognized student government and the president on the use of the student-initiated fee or a decision to modify an existing student-initiated fee, the student government and president will use a process established by the board to aid in resolution prior to a decision being made by the president. If agreement has not been reached, the decision of the president may be appealed to the board, which will render a final decision prior to the adoption, use or modification of a mandatory student-initiated fee.

(ORS 341.290[7])
(April 2004, September 2018 [HB2666])